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I absolutely love that Little Brother loves to smile and say cheese for the camera.  Up to about 3 months ago, he would avoid eye contact when I would pull out the camera and it was soooo sooo difficult to get him to look at the camera and smile.  To the point where I was wondering if it was a “red flag” of attachment!   But I think it’s just a developmental mark he had to meet.  Here’s just a bunch of “cheese” faces thanks to the wonderful camera taking ability and equipment of our friends, the Lee’s. 


Now when little bro is not aware of a camera, check out the super cool cute and natural smile he has!

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My Bald Boys

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Time truly flies.  Today 1 year ago is when Joel came off that Big Blue plane and running (literally) into our lives!  Our lives have not been the same…we are so blessed!

  <div style=”font-size:0.9em;”>
  <a href=”http://vodpod.com/watch/5485565-little-bro-adoption-video”>Little Bro Adoption Video</a>
– Watch more <a href=”http://vodpod.com”>Videos</a&gt; at Vodpod.</div>

<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/18024686?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&#8243; width=”400″ height=”225″ frameborder=”0″></iframe><p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/18024686″>we are the park family 5 | homecoming</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/chrisandoliver”>Chris &amp; Oliver</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

This past Saturday night, Big Sister and I had a great opportunity to spend the evening serving hungry children with the ladies at my brother-in-law’s church, The Redemption Church, in Naperville.  We went to this amazing organization called, Feed my Starving Children, which is a Christian organization that has committed to help feed the hungry all over the world, both physically and spiritually.  Their approach to what they do is very simple.  They get volunteers both children and adults who  hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and then they ship the meals to nearly 70 countries around the world.  The organization started in 1987 and has permanent packing sites in 6 places around the country and they have a mobile pack team that goes around the country partnering with churches to pack food.

This was the first time that Big sister and I went…it was such a great experience and hands-on experience for Big sister to see how she can be a part of God’s work around the world.

Our group was about 10 women and 3 kids.  We started the evening in an orientation learning about the organization and learning about the food we are packing.  Of course, to adhere to FDA regulations, we had to all wear hairnets!

Afterwards we all went into the packing room where we started packing food.  Pretty much 4 types of things go in each food pack.  1 scoop of chicken-flavored protien and vitamin mix, 1 scoop of dehydrated veggies, 1 cupful of soy stuff, and 1 cupful of rice.  We served for about 2 hours so the kids got tired at each station and rotated through the different volunteer areas.  Here they are scooping and pouring into the big funnel that leads to the food bags.

Some of the other ladies, helped with the weighing and sealing of the bags.

The kid’s favorite station was the packing into boxes.

And afterwards the kids got to learn that volunteering includes cleaning up. Wish I could get Big sister to do this at home…maybe if I get her a cool hairnet to wear?!

And the most amazing part at the end is all the volunteers gather around the food they just packed, lay their hands on it, and pray for safe journey for the food.

We found out afterwards that night 87 boxes of 36 packs of food were packaged and that would feed 51 children for 1 YEAR!  Our work was going to be shipped to kids in Somalia.

Over a yummy cup of Red Mango, we got to talk with the kids about starving children, hunger, volunteering, and what it means to be a part of God’s work.  It was an amazing time and we hope to do this again and often!


Ok, I survived week 3 and I am a believer of P90X! Again my diet was not as hardcore are week 1 but I was more careful than last week (besides eating my stash of dark chocolate Hershey kisses). Today, I was supposed to do Legs and Back but honostly, it kills my right knee (as I had an injury on it years back)…and so instead of doing that DVD I just ran on my treadmill. Since my half-marathon, I have been running pretty minimally and have not run at all in the past 3 weeks while doing P90X. But today I was able to go 4 miles without stopping!!! And I didn’t even have my usual 2 mile mark leg burn that I usually have to push through. I was trying to figure out why? Because P90X isin’t a ton of cardio…and as I discussed it with my physical therapist husband, we realized it’s probably because P90X has been working my core a lot and since my core is more stablized now when I run, I am able to run more efficiently. Isin’t that fascinating!?

So my week 3 update…

Weight: 1X1 pounds (-4 pounds from the beginning of P90X)
Other measurements could not be taken due to my tape measure being stolen by one of my kiddos.

Disclaimer by my husband, the PT. Even though P90X might be effective, be careful if you consider it because he has treated many patients who have used it and gotten injured. Just modify things if you feel strain on your knees or back.

Announcing Mercy!

We have a daughter! 

Bringing Home Mercy